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What is Sustainability?

Sustainability comes down to the type of future we’re leaving for our next generation. Let’s take a look at what sustainability is, some sustainable facts, why it’s important, and some benefits of sustainability.

What is sustainability?

Sustainability means the ability to meet your needs and develop without depleting the natural resources for future generations. In addition to natural resources, economic and social resources are also equally important. So, sustainability is about preserving the ecosystem when utilizing the available physical, natural, and social resources.

The main concept of sustainability is built on 3 pillars:

  • Environmental Sustainability: It focuses on the well-being of the environment and includes air quality, water quality, and reduction of pollution and other environmental stressors. It involves efforts, rules and regulations to deal with environmental issues.
  • Social Sustainability: It includes environmental justice, education, resource security, and human health, among other vital social elements of society. It involves planning, special initiatives, public policies, and laws supporting social issues.
  • Economic Sustainability: It includes job creation, profitability, and proper accounting of ecosystem services for optimal cost-benefit analyses.

These three intertwined categories provide a framework for managing complicated sustainability issues. They’re often referred to as the planet, people, and profit.

Sustainability: fun facts

Here are some facts about sustainability that can be very useful and interesting to know.

  1. Energy accounts for at least 60 percent of the total global greenhouse gases emission.
  2. China emits almost 10,357 metric CO2 tons, making it the TOP polluter in the world, followed by the USA.
  3. Carbon dioxide emissions need to be reduced by 45% by 2030 to limit problems related to climate change.
  4. Housing activities and transportation are the main contributors to carbon dioxide.
  5. Paper made from scratch produces almost 25 percent more emissions than recycled paper does.
  6. Germany has the highest recycling rate in the whole world.
  7. Recycling newspapers can save around 250 million trees per year!
  8. Replacing all the light bulbs in the planet with energy-efficient ones can save around $127 billion each year!
  9. Use of water-efficient appliances, fixtures, and fittings can reduce your home’s water usage by nearly 45 percent.

Some examples of sustainability include:

  • Renewable energy: Renewable energy sources provide an inexhaustible energy supply that are sustainable, environmentally friendly, and less damaging for public health.
  • Water treatment: It reduces the volume of water waste that is released into our ecosystem. Water treatment eliminates harmful contaminants from water and converts into clean water. 
  • Crop rotation: This practice involves planting different crop types on the same land over successive seasons. Crop rotation improves soil structure, reduces soil erosion, greenhouse gas emissions, the risk of nitrate, and water pollution.

Sustainability: Zero Waste Movement: The Zero Waste movement is a great example of sustainability. It encourages people to use all the resources circularly. The ultimate goal of zero-waste is to avoid resources ending up as trash in landfills and the oceans.

Why is sustainability important?

The motivation behind sustainability is often very diverse. It’s tough to create a complete list of reasons why people are making efforts towards sustainability. 

Well, for most of us, sustainable living maintains the well-being of the environment and our future generations. Sustainability protects our ecosystem, improves the quality of our lives, and preserves the resources for future generations. 

Here are some of the benefits of sustainability:

  • Sustainability means reduction in energy usage
  • It reduces your carbon footprint and the number of toxins released into the atmosphere, which means less pollution
  • Sustainability leads to overall reduction of operating costs
  • Sustainability refers to responsible consumption and production
  • Ensures a healthy living and a safe future for all

How to live a sustainable lifestyle?

Sustainability encourages businesses, people, and politicians, to make long-term decisions while taking future generations into account. Sustainable living considers more than the loss or profit involved in the short run. Here are some ideas of how to live sustainably and make a difference.

  • Introduce renewable energy sources

Try to introduce renewable energy sources in your home. Any reduction in reliance on traditional energy sources will help decrease global carbon emissions.

  • Cut down on plastic #GoPlasticFree 

You may not completely omit plastic from your life, but you can start cutting down on plastic waste. Avoid single-use plastic water bottles and products that are packaged in plastic. Always use reusable bags when you shop at the grocery store. #GoPlasticFree

  • Purchase sustainable items

Every product that we purchase has an impact on the environment. Buy items that are considered sustainable and eco-friendly. This will encourage businesses to adapt their products and practices to serve our desires.

  • Conserve water

With an ever-growing population, there’s an increased demand for water sources and risk of unprecedented droughts. You can conserve water by fixing leaky toilets, taking shorter showers, and choosing low-water appliance options.

  • Swap out your single-use items

Single-use disposable items end up as trash and populate our landfills and oceans. Swapping out these single-use disposable products for more durable and reusable items can make a big difference. 


Our planet’s resources are finite! We can’t sustain and achieve economic growth if we deplete our natural resources.

Does sustainable living matter to you? Are you looking for ways to be sustainable and trying to live a sustainable lifestyle? We would love to know your thoughts on sustainability!

Sustainable Stitch is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type.



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